How to Talk to a Sports Agent

Spencer Moeller

A sports agent is responsible for negotiating endorsement deals as well as employment contracts for footballers. Much like a talent agent, a sports agent represents talent (athletes) in order to further the careers of those he represents. Speaking to a sports agent can be difficult. However, by following a few simple steps, you will better your chances of either a face-to-face or phone conversation.


Contact the office of a sports agent you are interested in talking with. You may ask to speak directly with the agent; however, unless you are a person of importance, the secretary will most likely inform you the agent is busy.


Leave a message for the agent with his secretary. Do not contact an agent just to say "hi”.  You must have a reason for contacting the agent - whether this is to inform him about yourself or a player you think deserves representation. Inform the secretary about the purpose of your phone call immediately, and make sure to leave a working phone number the agent can contact.


Wait 48 hours after your initial call before attempting to contact the agent again. If you have not heard from the agent within this two-day period, call again; however, do not ask why the agent has not returned your phone call. Rather, ask to speak with the agent again and if you are denied again, inform the secretary of the urgency of your request. If the agent represents several well-known athletes, you may find that speaking with him is very difficult. In this case, ask the secretary for a direct email address. Again, inform the secretary about the purpose of your call.


Email the agent if an email address has been provided. Keep your correspondence short and precise. Inform the agent who you are and why you are in contact. Ask for a specific date and time to schedule a phone call to keep from aimlessly calling the agency. If the agent responds, thank his for his response and confirm the call date.


Promptly call the agency at the specified date confirmed in the email or through the agent's secretary. Upon calling, inform the secretary who you are. Do not be offended if you are placed on hold for several minutes. Once the agent answers, thank him for his time and immediately proceed to discuss the reason you are calling.

Spencer Moeller


  • Zeb

    Hey, my name is Zeb and I was wondering where the list of agents and emails are? Thank you

  • Hamza Espinosa

    Hi I would like to know where I can get the excel list of agents please and Thank you.

  • Yusuf Alade

    Hi spencer, i am just wondering on how to find the excel list of the agent

  • Marcus Young

    Hi I’m just wondering where I’d find the agents office numbers?

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